Saturday, October 08, 2005


There's this actor Danny Trejo, I love this guy...he is by no means what anyone would consider handsome, but I've never been known for going out with the handsome "type". I love this painting because of its simplicity...nothing I could do would equal the artistry in this mans face, all I could do was hope to frame it adequately.

He was in Heat, From Dusk Till Dawn and tons of other movies. Here's a little bio info on him;

A child drug addict and criminal, Danny Trejo was in and out of jail for 11 years. While serving time in San Quentin, he won the lightweight and welterweight boxing titles. Imprisoned for armed robbery and drug offenses, he successfully completed a 12-step rehabilitation program that changed his life. While speaking at a Cocaine Anonymous meeting in 1985, Trejo met a young man who later called him for support. Trejo went to meet him at what turned out to be the set of Runaway Train (1985). Trejo was immediately offered a role as a convict extra, probably because of his tough tattooed appearance. Also on the set was a screenwriter who did time with Trejo in San Quentin. Remembering Trejo's boxing skills, the screenwriter offered him $350 per day to train the actors for a boxing match. Director Andrei Konchalovsky saw Trejo training Eric Roberts and immediately offered him a featured role as Roberts' opponent in the film. Trejo has subsequently appeared in many other films, usually as a tough criminal or villain.

I would love to see him not be pigeonholed so much, i think he's caable of deeper roled.


Blogger YasminDano said...

I think he is the coolest actor EVER! And he is always in the same 'type' cast role. Loved him as the bad guy in Antonio Banderas flick, forgot the name, but he was kicking his ass with those blades LOL!

4:14 PM  
Blogger Motherhood is Here said...

I had a dejavue(sp) or something when looking at this. it was totally weird.

1:04 AM  

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